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· 3 min read
Naw Awn

Spring cleaning is on its way!

Sometimes you hear from IT Support saying "the server is very slow, the required service has stopped running and the Windows updates installation failed, etc." When you logon to the server and check what went wrong, you realise the server is running out of space on C: drive and you need to delete some old files or expand the disk to fix the issue. This could become a recurring task for certain VMs. The quick and easy solution is to write a script and run it as a regular maintenance task.

· 2 min read
Naw Awn

When you come across orphaned DFS Namespaces in your domain environment and want to remove those either to clean up or to reuse. You will need to do it from ADSI Edit.

  • Connect to Default naming context
  • Navigate to CN=Dfs-Configuration,CN=System, DC=mydomain, DC=local
  • Right click on the orphaned namespace and delete it

This post is about doing just that via the PowerShell Script instead of using ADSI Edit. There is an enormous risk associated with using ADSI Edit if you misclick and delete something else by mistake.

· 6 min read
Naw Awn

There may be the time when you need to backup your SQL Express Database on a scheduled basis and the server is running on a locked down environment with no access to the internet. In this blog post I wanted to share how I work around it using the PowerShell script to backup the Database and copy the content to the another server then back it up to the Azure Recovery Service.