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2 posts tagged with "GUI"

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· 3 min read
Naw Awn

This is the PowerShell tool with GUI to display what programs are installed on the remote computer. This is done via the remote registry query. The tool requires the remote registry service to be running on the remote computer.

This post is quite short but the script seems a bit long.
Here is the script logic: The script checks if the remote registry service is running on the remote machine. If it is, the script will extract all the programs installed on the remote computer and display them on the data grid view.

· 4 min read
Naw Awn

Building the tool with Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been one of the tasks I needed much these days. You could write the script to automate some stuff but when you needed to write one for normal users, they would rather double click on the file you sent them. This post is about building the PowerShell tool using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) as a desktop application.